Sunday, August 28, 2005

Reading this week Aug 28 - sept 3

I am rereading an older book by swindoll this week
Living above the Level of Mediocrity


This is Sunday

I woke up this morning almost too tired to really go to church But I must ! So I woke up and got ready !! Why was this morning so difficult my family had just spent its first time ever camping in a provincial park in a 4 man tent plus one dog ( our families newest member ) !!
And while I have camped plenty none of the rest had till this week. And it was Great !
We had invited any of our church people to come along and join us for a camp out.
And some did ! And we also said if they didn't want to stay the night come out for the evening and we must of had 25 people buzzing around it was great !

So we packed up and were on the way home (a long 20 min drive) by 9:00 am and I was at church by 10 and service started on time at 10:30 and out to lunch with 10 other people .
I preached on revival which is one of my favorite topics.

And since its the last Sunday of the month we had an evening service which my wife lead and did an excellent job doing !! She has a great ability of getting people involved in the service more than I and we had a lot of prayer and praise.

And now I must get ready for a 6:30 fish and plan to hopefully finish painting the parsonage and office .
plus keep an eye on the storm via. CNN.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

80/20 is true

This week while still painting my office, the church parsonage was painted by about 20 % while the rest 80% were ??? I do know one board member who spent the day fishing . Oh well its done.
It interesting that our oldest painter was 83 and the yougest Me at 40 ish. But its done.
Its amazing how a fresh coat of paint spruces things up and yet for the last 3 years since it was primed became dull and comfortable. And we really never noticed till the paint started covering over the old.
Somewhere in this is a sermon illustration I think.
If not a illustration an analogy that people tend to get to comfortable with the way things are... And to this I think the remedy is a revival. To spruce us up and make us gleam for Jesus.

Four months today its Christmas Day !!

I went fishing from 7-9:30 am today while the fish were not bitting it was great to be out.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

May I speak to ....

The other day my daugther was stumped by a person on the phone asking to speak with a
Mr. Wesleyan Parsonage. She Gave me the phone and after I had the girl repeat who she wanted at least twice I finally had to explain to her that My name isn't wesleyan parsonage but... and this is where we live in a wesleyan parsonage. What a reminder that in the 30 below age range people really don't know much about the church.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Gone to the dogs

Here in Yarmouth area its a gray and rainy day.
A good time to Start Painting my office or dungeon as I refer to because its in the basement of our church.
Why ? I can't figure it out but maybe a new color on the walls will give it a face lift.
Its also a good today to review last week.
Friday I was treated to a humors sight of watching two dogs play on a roof while I ate out. They jumped out a window and chased each other around it was real funny.
Saturday we had church picnic which was a great time of fun and food.
Sunday we were doing a live broadcast on the radio which can be a bit stressfull. It was aired that night but I didn't listen to it, there is something about hearing yourself that is scarey.
Sunday Night So I would not get in trouble alone I took a board member with me and went FISHING.
It seemed so much more religious doing this on Sunday .( lol )
There is a perfect time to go and that is before a rain storm and my theory proved right we had a blast. But to keep the appearance of Sunday we tried not to smile and spoke in Kjv language.
Why I point this out with humor is that in rural church's there are legalistic ideas still running around from some to others just waiting to pronounce judgment.
I think the devil likes being busy no matter the activity even presenting legalizing ideas if he can pull it off.

Later ( I must paint more )

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Surprise !!

For the last two weeks my wife and son have been in another province while my daughte and I have been home. And for a week of this my daughter went to summer camp. So while my wife was a way to keep my self out of trouble I spent some ( a lot ) of time FISHING !!! Since Sunday past I kept Wed. Circled and noted in my palm as CLEAN-UP DAY ! Because I was to get here at the boat terminal that Night. I would spend the day making sure my wife came home to a clean and tidy house. That was the plan. But she had her own plan and came home a day earlier. Surprise ! As she came in the house I thought well I have now joined the ranks of John the Baptist and will lose my head.
But the joy of seeing me I am sure clouded her vision and I am alive to blog yet another day. Somewhere in this will be a great sermon illustration and a reminder of the text of keeping my house in order because I never know when the Lord will return.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

It was like being in a TV show

I am a former Seinfeld Thai addict which I admit without shame .
But the other day it was like, being on the show as I meet a fellow pastor for breakfast, at a local restaurant and behind us sat four of my church people and so the question was do we stay or move to another table?
Moving to where they can't hear the conversation ? Now Is it polite or rude to move ?
We decided to move and we did.
( Why ? ) In this day of information we can never underestimate the power of good old fashioned ease dropping .


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Home at last

I am finally home !
Really its been since last Wednesday !
Vacation 2005 is now over and its still fishing season so I'll be beating the local lakes till its over.

But between fishing I'll be pastoring our church.

while the fish haven't been biting I have been thinking about that word doctrine.
In a twisted pastoral way I can when preaching mention certain words of our doctrine like sanctification and get a Big amen from people ,
and put them "back to sleep quickly" with out repeating it.

Here is my conclusion on that word doctrine to date:
doctrine for mans sake is dangerous it promotes a superior super saint.
While doctrine for Jesus sake is beneficial for all concerned the church, families and individuals.
