Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What I am reading This week

1) Waking the Dead by John Eldredge

2) Overcoming the dark side of Leadership by Gary McIntosh & Samuel D. Rima.

Its over !!

Tonight I chaired our church's year end meeting and now its over !! And thankfully There were no problems but you always go into one of these meetings with the thought that something unexpected could surface.
But not tonigh !
Now probly the conclusion of American Idol worked in my favor .
Not that I am a fan ! Give me csi re-runs any day over that.
Yet Its amazing to me how a TV show can still take priority over church business even among the sanctified.
I guess its a good thing that the apostles while they were waiting in the upper room didn't have TV.
Or where would we be now ?
and speaking of csi reruns I must go and watch it now.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Its been awhile since I last posted and now I hope to be back on track.

My life has been busy with a visit from my parents, getting ready for our church's year end meeting , which my lovely wife does all the work for me on this.
and I had to deal a computer crash.

While working on my yearly report I always list the number of books read in a year and this I read 28ish books
and so I want to share here what I didn't write in my report are the titles I have read.
The bait of Satan
The winning attitude
Drawing Near
Generation X leaders
occult invasion
a right conception of sin
Prepare for revival
Victory in Christ
developing the leader within you
war on the saints
power of a praying woman
returning to holiness
getting things done
bondage breaker
the 3 battlegrounds
the forgotten blessing
stop dating the church
highlights of church history
highly effective people
when the fire fell
power of a praying husband
courageous leadership
7 practices of effective
God's will
prepare the way for revival
fresh wind fresh faith
the radical cross
prepare the way for revival


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Things I find uncanny

Its been a busy week but while I have been working hard I have been mentally collecting for my blog.
So tonight I am going to start a list of things I find uncanny....

1. Waitress who wear shirts that don't cover their belly....Its just uncanny in a family restaurant.
2. People who cut not only their finger nails in church but also their toe nails ... Its just uncanny in church.
3. Garbage men who not only take the garbage but the can as well .... Its uncanny.
4. People who don't take their church bulletin home ( which I like to think is my weekly work of art ) its uncanny.

And so the list has begun.....

Friday morning I put into practice what I tell my son "work first then play ". So I Finished my sermon and off to the lake for a two hours of Bass fishing. Finally the water temp. Is on the rise and the bass are starting to bite and on this short fish I caught and released 5 bass.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

How Come

While getting the mail Friday my kids and I made an interesting discovery that a man who had just put up his new flag pole and now was on with the up keep of his lawn had forgotten to check out his flag, He had hung it up side down, How come people just can't take a moment to see if there job is done right. Its our National flag after all. Maybe a reason for this is he just did it - like he always had , perhaps expecting the same results or maybe he wasn't paying attention.
How often do we (me included ) just do things in life and never take time to make sure that its done right.
In preaching or Fathering or just life - doing the same old same old - and not noticing the things that are not done just right in path we have just made.

A fishing update : three bass caught Saturday!
